Bang on time, Crumble produced her piglets at high speed and luckily between 9.30 and 11.30am. We have 11 lovely little ginger and black darlings, who are bundles of trouble! Only four days old and they are charging around with enthusiasm, scratching on the corners of the blocks and biting each other's ears (which causes huge amounts of squealing!).
They had a tough start as they were born on the coldest day of the winter and for the first two days found it hard to keep warm, even under the heat lamp. They are amazingly intelligent and were returning to the heat lamp by the end of the first day.
They don't stand still for long, but i think we have at least five gilts and they will be ready to go by the end of March and are ready to view now. Be Warned - they are VERY cute!!
For more info or to come and view them contact me on